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restauración y rehabilitación de fachadas

In Gestland-Grup we are experts and professionals years of experience carrying out works of restoration and renovation of facades. Thus the facades are kept safe and clean.

All our professional actions are guaranteed by the corresponding civil liability policy > 1 MM €.

Our teams of operators have extensive experience and are in constant training on the matter of safety, new materials and application systems.

We perform:

  • Consolidation of facades.
  • Restoration of facades.
  • Renovation of waterproofing material.
  • Request, Processing and Management of public assistance and subsidies
  • Restoration of architectural elements.
  • Renovation of common areas, patios, skylights, lobbies and stairs.
  • Water, electricity and gas installations.

We recommend you fill out the contact form. One of our advisors will personally call you to provideyou with the specific information and resolve your doubts without any kind of commitment:

Services Form