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adecuacion diseno oficinas

In Gestland-Grup, we are experts in constructing buildings of an industrial nature of all kinds. Storage, production and office zones, loading docks, etc.

An industrial building is a building of industrial use which host the production and/or stores the industrial assets, together with the workers, the machines that generate them, the internal transport, the exit and entrance of merchandise, etc. The requirements and types of construction that the industrial building should possess vary based on the countless economic activities that can be developed inside of it, which has led to the development of a large number of construction solutions.

Our teams of operators have extensive experience and are in constant training on the matter of safety, new materials and application systems.

We offer:

  • Quality and service.
  • Guaranteed delivery times.
  • Trained personnel with demonstrable experience.
  • Top quality materials.
  • Market prices.
  • Degree holding construction supervisors.

We recommend you fill out the contact form. One of our advisors will personally call you to provide you with the specific information and resolve your doubts without any kind of commitment:

Services Form